What goes on behind the closed doors of the masonic lodge? Jack Harris, former worshipful master in the masonic lodge, reenacts portions of masonic rituals from the first three degrees in freemasonry and explains what he taught in the lodge. Is freemasonry a religion? And why all the rituals? Get an in-depth answer from Jack Harris in the John Ankerberg show! If you are truly curious about freemasonry, and what goes on behind closed doors, you want this show!
16 mar. 2009
Masonry - Behind Closed Doors
Publicat de TheFreeLodge la 13:55 1 comentarii
Tags: documentare video
Freemasons- National Geographic
... Metaphysics, Tarot, Kabbalah, Religion, Philosophy, Rosicrucian, Golden Dawn, illuminati, Thoth, Magick, Atlantis, Freemason, Chakra, The Matrix, Conspiracy, Occult, Astrology, Quantum Physics, New Thought, Alchemy, Christian Rosenkreutz, symbology, Aura, Meditation, Spiritual, Paranormal, Antigravity, Sound waves, Science experiment, Mysticism, Cosmic Consciousness, Visualization, Telepathy, Psychic, Karma, Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge, Robert Anton Wilson, Aleister Crowley, Evolution, Electromagnetism, Imagination, Objective, Subjective, Psychology, Near Death Experience, NDE, Soul, After Death, Astral Projection, Egypt, Celtic, Wicca, Satanism, Prophecies, Edgar Cayce, Yoga, Remote Viewing, Mythology, UFO Research, Nikola Tesla, Carl Jung, - the secret?
Publicat de TheFreeLodge la 13:54 0 comentarii
Tags: documentare video
Templar Origins of Freemasonry
Friday the 13th is a day of infamy. Why is it considered so unlucky? Luckily, Brave New Books sponsors speakers, like Freeman, to discuss such issues. This is Freeman with an audience, uncut and uncensored at Brave New Books on the 699th anniversary of the demise of the Knights Templar.
Publicat de TheFreeLodge la 13:53 0 comentarii
Tags: documentare video
Decoding the Past: The Templar Code
Decoding the Past: The Templar Code Part 1
Decoding the Past: The Templar Code Part 2
Publicat de TheFreeLodge la 13:52 0 comentarii
Tags: documentare video, templierii
Freemasonry Revealed
Freemasonry Revealed Part 1 - Masonic Legends
Freemasonry Revealed Part 2 - Masonic Leaders
Freemasonry Revealed Part 3 - Masonic Conspiracies
Publicat de TheFreeLodge la 13:47 0 comentarii
Tags: documentare video
Recruitment Video Free Masons
For more information see also
Publicat de TheFreeLodge la 13:44 0 comentarii
Tags: what is freemasonery
The history and origins of freemasonry
The history and origins of freemasonry.
Freemasonry - part one
Freemasonry - part two
Publicat de TheFreeLodge la 13:37 0 comentarii
Tags: documentare video
15 mar. 2009
Declaratie de Principii in 8 puncte
şi a Masonilor Liberi de pretutindeni.
Declaratie de Principii în 8 puncte:
1. Francmasoneria este o societate iniţiatică umanistă şi hermeneutică întemeiată pe ideea de fraternitate.
2. Oricine poate deveni mason dacă este un Om Liber şi de bune moravuri.
3. Francmasonii numesc realitatea ultimă, cu apelativul de „Marele Arhitect al Universului”. Ei caută să facă paşi concreţi spre nemurire.
4. Jurământul se depune pe Cartea Legii Sacre considerată ca atare de fiecare mason. Pentru profani această carte este Biblia, Coranul, Torah, BaghavadGita, Tripitaka, ...
5. Francmasoneria are ca scop perfecţionarea de sine şi perfeţionarea societăţii omeneşti precum şi cunoaşterea, practicarea şi dezvoltarea moralei şi eticii universale.
6. Francmasoneria nu promovează discriminarea bazată pe rasă, sex, convingeri politice şi religioase.
7. Francmasoneria este un ordin iniţiatic.
8. Orice discuţie pe teme politice şi religioase trebuie să se facă cu respect reciproc şi într-un cadru fratern.
Publicat de TheFreeLodge la 07:47 0 comentarii
Tags: principii

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- evolutionism (1)
- Free Masonry - Morgan Rituals (1)
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- Planeta Nubiru (1)
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