What goes on behind the closed doors of the masonic lodge? Jack Harris, former worshipful master in the masonic lodge, reenacts portions of masonic rituals from the first three degrees in freemasonry and explains what he taught in the lodge. Is freemasonry a religion? And why all the rituals? Get an in-depth answer from Jack Harris in the John Ankerberg show! If you are truly curious about freemasonry, and what goes on behind closed doors, you want this show!
16 mar. 2009
Masonry - Behind Closed Doors
Publicat de TheFreeLodge la 13:55
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1 comentarii:
Acest documentar a fost realizat de niste indivizi convertiti la crestinismul evanghelic. Imaginea ce reiese de aici e evident imaginea pe care au reusit sa si-o formeze acestia. Ia fiecare ce poate de aici. Daca francmasoneria ar fi o religie (misterica de exemplu) , prin absurd, atunci francmasonilor nu le-ar pasa ce cred altii despre religia lor.
Francmasonul trebuie sa recunoasca ,,acea religie asupra caror toti oamenii sunt de acord". Or asa ceva inca trebuie cautat, caci nu prea exista o morala universala, sau o credinta universala. Poate ca raspunsul e morala umanista si crezul in stiinta. Acestea ar putea fi universale.
Frater Ma'at
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